Cyber Resilience is officially defined by various organisations.
But whatever the definition, they all emphasise the ability to withstand, recover, and adapt to adverse the cyber-events.

4 key Elements

  • Anticipation – Identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities before they occur.
  • Withstanding – The capacity to resist and mitigate the impact of cyber-event. 
  • Recovery – The ability to restore normal operations after an incident occurs.
  • Adaptation – Learn from past experiences to improve defenses and response over time.

Reaching Cyber Resilience

In the world of cyber-attacks, the question is
NOT IF you’re going to be attacked, but WHEN.

That being said, keep in mind you have still the power to decide

How to React

training & simulations

Cyber-Attack Simulations
Personalised Cyber-Training Sessions
Media Training

process & plan

Roles & Responsibilities defined.
Crucial Steps identified & structured
Processes defined & setup

technologies & expertise

Advanced cybersecurity technologies identified
Skilled cybersecurity professionals
Network of cybersecurity experts

Preparedness & Vigilance

The catchwords in the cyber world.

Cyber war games, cyber simulations, crisis management, marketing, communication, crisis management

Based on agreed objectives:

  • We prepare the storyline and the script.
  • We design the attack vectors
  • We develop the documentation to be used in the game.
  • We hire the actors who will play the role of your interlocutors.
  • We analyse the results and organise the debrief.

Cyber Simulations

Cyber War Games and Simulations are scenario-based exercises that mimic real-world cyber attacks. 

They car range from simple phishing attacks to complex, multi-stage intrusions.

You test your preparedness regarding your processes, your technologies, and your procedures.

You identify your vulnerabilities and improve your overall cyber resilience through your organisation.

3 Types of Cyber War Game

  • Red Team vs. Blue Team: Red Team (attackers) simulates a cyber attack while the Blue Team (defenders) works to thwart the attack. It helps to refine tactics and strategies.

  • Table-Top Exercise: discussion-based sessions where participants walk through different cyber attack scenarios and discuss their responses. It helps to identify gaps in policies and procedures.

  • Full-Scale Simulation involves comprehensive hands-on exercises where participants use real tools and techniques to defend against simulated attacks. The most realistic training. 
cyber training, cyber resilience, marketing, communication, crisis management

Cyber-Resilience is not a destination, but a journey.

  • We assess the needs
  • We agree on the objectives
  • We develop training content
  • We suggest a personalised internal strategy
  • We select training methods to match the needs
  • We engage qualified trainers
  • We deploy the training program
  • We monitor and evaluate
  • We provide continuous support


Our cyber-training programs are designed to equip your teams with the knowledge and skills needed to defend against cyber-attacks. 

We offer FOUR types of training programs.

  • Executive Training Program to guide senior top managers on their risk management strategy. What risks are acceptable? Who is the most at risk in the organisation? What process should be changed and how? Am I compliant with the cyber security laws? What impact on my company insurance?
  • Awareness Program to educate employees on cybersecurity principles, like password management, phishing awareness, safe internet practices. But not all employees have the same level of knowledge, nor handle the most sensitive data at a critical step. You need to personalise.

  • Technical Program to provide advanced skills on cybersecurity. PenTesting, Incident response, Network Security, Malware Analysis, Vulnerability Scanning. Our technical experts can offer solutions, techniques, and best-practices.

  • Bootcamp: Quick build cybersecurity skills through intensive training. Security foundations, threats and vulnerabilities, network defence, and penetration testing. Learn the technical, process, and legal cybersecurity framework.

Improve your practices

Confidence comes from preparation.

Managing a crisis starts with setting up a Crisis Management Team (CMT) who will in be charge to develop a Crisis Management Plan (CMP) that will be define all the processes and procedures to follow at the event of a crisis. 

crisis management team, cyber attack, marketing, communication
  • We help you build the CMT with the right profiles

  • We guide you in defining the scope, the objectives, and the roles assignment of the CMT

  • We help you select the best communication tools

  • We provide you with adequate training sessions to improve your stress-resistance and practices.

  • We help you gain internal and external stakeholders’ engagement and support.

Crisis Management Team

A Crisis Management Team (CMT) is dedicated to safeguarding an organisation from unforeseen emergencies and ensuring rapid recovery with minimal disruption.

The CMT is made up of professionals from different departments of your organisation (IT, Legal, Marketing, HR, etc.)

5 key responsibilities of the CMT

  • Risk Assessment: identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities to proactively mitigate threats.

  • Crisis Planning: Developping comprehensive crisis management plans tailored to various scenarios.

  • Response coordination: Leading and coordinating the response efforts during a crisis to ensure swift and effective action. 

  • Communication: Maintening clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders to keep them informed and engaged.

  • Recovery: implementing strategies to restore normal operations as quick as possible, and minise the long-term impacts. 
crisis plan, crisis management, strategy, marketing, communication, cyber-attack
  • We provide you with the needed templates and models.

  • We help you craft the scenarios, real-time incident responses and escalation framework

  • We guide you in prioritising the risks

  • We offer you a unique methodology for mapping the roles most at risk.

  • We liaise you with top experts (lawyers, insurers, white hackers, cyber security, etc.)

Crisis Management Plan

A Crisis Management Plan (CMP) outlines clear procedures and protocols to minimise harm caused by a crisis, and restore the normal operations as swift as possible. 

Key Components of the CMP

  • List of all the vulnerabilities and potential threats

  • Analysis of the threat impact to identify and prioritise the acceptable and critical risks

  • Activation protocole standards, command chains, responses plan, escalation roadmap

  • Resource allocation and procedures

  • Communication strategies

  • Legal and regulatory compliance

  • Incident reporting and documentation

  • The DOs and the DON’Ts

Build your Toolbox & ToolTeam

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Toolbox, cyber security, crisis management, marketing, communication
  • We help you

  • We help

  • We guide  

Cyber Security Expertise

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur, vim ad prima vivendum consetetur. Viderer feugiat at pro, mea aperiam

How to Communicate

Cyber Security Technologies are vital… Used by Human Beings,
in your organisation, and out.

When a Crisis occurs, the first people to be informed are the employees. How? When?

external communication

What to say to clients, suppliers, influencers, media? What message? How?

law & compliance

How to ensure you comply with your specific jurisdictions? What will be the financial impact?

Care your Best Ambassadors

Internal Communication

When a crisis occurs, the first people to be informed are the employees.

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