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Landing page, lead-generation, digital marketing, marketing campaign, ChatGPT, AI, inbound marketing, CTA
A well-designed landing page is a powerful tool for capturing leads and converting them into customers. From the structure and layout to the content and CTAs, every element plays a crucial role in maximizing the landing page’s effectiveness. […]
Ninja, digital marketing, inbound marketing, hubspot, ozngo, chatgpt


Hurray! I’m now a Certified Inbound Marketing Ninja. My name is Maryse, ozngo founder. I’m an experienced Marketer, and precisely because I have this experience, I know how important it is to keep our knowledge up to date, […]


La comète ChatGPT a percuté la planète Terre, provoquant une grande confusion. La même que Gutenberg a pu provoquer en son temps. Confusion tout d’abord sur la définition de ChatGPT. Confusion surtout sur son impact dans la société. […]
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