OZNGO portrait
We Dare We Go, We Care
What does it mean?
- Your Project is Our Project. They are not only words.
- We are fully Committed.
- We consider ourselves as integral part of Your Team.
- We invest Our Time, Competencies, Energy for Your Project.
That’s why we carefully select the projects, we decide to get involved in.
We privilege Meaning over Money.
We pick game-changer projects that serve society and empower people, where technology is a virtuous trigger.
Name ozngo?
Originally, it’s a FrEnglish contraction
Oz= Ose = Dare in French + GO!
But… why not the English way with…
Wizard of Oz + GO!
Our Values
Boldness. Trust. Integrity
Boldness for
Positive Energy
Trust for
Sweet Feeling
Integrity for
Full Respect
Agile and passionate
- Early Digital Marketer
- Storyteller
- Analytics-lover
- Creative Initiator
- Team Leader
- IT-High Tech applied to industries
- Aviation, both civilian and private
- Automotive
- Biotech
- Public Sector
- Media and Entertainment
- Market Studies & Competitive Analysis
- Branding, Positioning, Messaging
- Digital Marketing
- Inbound Marketing, Content Mgt
- Communication Strategy
- Presentations & Documentations
- PR, Media Relations
- Event Management
ozngo is also nowsite Partner.
nowsite is a Canadian company founded in 2017 that developed an amazing digital marketing platform specially conceived for freelancers and very small teams.
nowsite’s solution changes their life. Guaranteed.
Special conditions for organisations supporting and coaching entrepreneurs to define their business project scope.
- Leadership
- Resourseful Self-starter
- Input Bringer
- Activator of Ideas
- Creativity & Analytical mind
- WrIting-Lover
- Team Motivator
- Relations Builder
- Coach of individuals
- Crisis Moderator
- International Executive Marketing, iNSEAD
- Viral Marketing, University of Pennsylvania
- Leadership through Emotional Intelligence, Case Western Reserve University
- Digital Marketing Certification, LiveMentor
- Inbound Marketing Certification, HubSpot
- Copywriting in German certification, TextAkademie
- CRM & Audit Value, UNIGE
- +10 years as an independent marketing sparring partner for entrepreneurs active in diverse industries
- +10 years in IT at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (Infrastructure, Software, Services)
- 5 years at FaurEcia (Automotive market)
- 2 years in the Entertainement industry (movie, video)
- Arts & Communication
- Psychology & Sociology
- Innovation
- Geopolitics & History
- Travel, Culture, People
- Outdoor sports
- Board Games
We can work with you in…
Native Language
Langue Maternelle
Full Professional Profeciency
Close to Native
Berufliche Fachbeherrschung
Buenos conocimientos del idioma
What matters in a partnership
Right skills & Competencies
Positive Mindset
Honest communication
Excellent Organisation
Resonates with you?
ozngo Client Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
Lucio furlani
Highly skilled and dedicated marketer, delivering not only very good quality services but also engaging very with sales teams in a very effictive way.
I appreciated the broad experience and capacity to work remotely with off-shore and Third Party teams.
gilles rufieux
J’ai prĂ©sentĂ© mon projet Qibut. Il a Ă©tĂ© compris très rapidement, identifiant les points forts et les points faibles de mon concept très innovant Des idĂ©es concrètes et prĂ©cises ont Ă©tĂ© apportĂ©es pour en palier les faiblesses et amĂ©liorer sa prĂ©sentation pour une meilleure persuasion.
jean-paul clemente
A strong leadership has been demonstrated from the moment my critical international project has been taken in charge. With a limited budget, a very professional and efficient presentation platform has been created, enabling many people of different backgrounds work in the same direction with the same message.
stephane ledermann
From the very beginning, I appreciated the capacity to grasp very quickly the business stakes. Top quality services were delivered promptely thanks a result-oriented mindset and a strong experience.